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Becoming a contractor

I've had a few people ask about contracting, and how they ought to go about it, so I thought I'd distill some relevant thoughts here on the topic. I work in tech, but technically this should apply to contracting in most fields. Why do you want to become a contractor?

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Contracting, starting a company, and reflections

At the end of 2019, I quit my full time permanent job. I had spent just over a year or so working at a startup. It was a pretty great place to work, and it actually felt like a startup. There were about 30 or so of us working out

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Learning to code and what not

As you may or may not know, I took the traditional route of becoming a Software Engineer. I Studied Computer Science at university, built things in my spare time, yada yada, got a job in tech, then a few more and that’s basically it in a nut shell. And

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teaching at university

I only recently realised it's been a very long time since I last I last posted a piece. Almost a year. I was going to put a lot of content into this one post, but I thought it'd be better to separate them out. I guess it's been an interesting

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Work-Based Project: The Beginning

I'm due to begin my Work Based project in a couple of months, once my January exams are done, where I have to build something for my employer as part of my degree. Though I have an idea of what the project will be on, I'm yet to formally agree