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ELK data ingestion options

When it comes to ingesting data into the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), you have a few different options, mostly depending on your use cases. Below are the three main ways of doing so. Beats Beats are lightweight data shippers, written in Go. You run them on the same machine

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A little about QA Sidekick

A few months ago I tweeted [] about a project I’ve been working on, QA Sidekick []. It’s currently in beta, and if you’re interested in helping test it out, just submit your email on the

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Setting up your Go environment

Installing Go is pretty straightforward, you can just download it for your system from the go website []. Mac OS users can also use brew, and Windows users can also use chocolatey. In both cases, Go should be installed in the correct location and put into the

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Becoming a contractor

I've had a few people ask about contracting, and how they ought to go about it, so I thought I'd distill some relevant thoughts here on the topic. I work in tech, but technically this should apply to contracting in most fields. Why do you want to become a contractor?

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Contracting, starting a company, and reflections

At the end of 2019, I quit my full time permanent job. I had spent just over a year or so working at a startup. It was a pretty great place to work, and it actually felt like a startup. There were about 30 or so of us working out

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Learning to code and what not

As you may or may not know, I took the traditional route of becoming a Software Engineer. I Studied Computer Science at university, built things in my spare time, yada yada, got a job in tech, then a few more and that’s basically it in a nut shell. And